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行動管制解封也有好一段時間嚕!想必大家都陸續開始忙於上班和生活家庭的瑣碎事吧~但忙碌中,也要記得好好照顧自己的健康唷 本周有大家等待已久的健康干货上架了,這次添加了不少新的五谷杂粮品項,非常合适當早糧亦或是減重的主食。五谷杂粮是高蛋白,高纖維和低脂肪的健康聖品,想要變得更漂亮?變得更健康嗎?趕快吃吃看吧~


Movement restriction order has recently eased under the new SOP. Though in a step closer to normality, but work, school and family are still sort of stuff that keep us busy most of the time. No matter how busy you are, definitely to recharge yourself with good quality food and amply rest. There are quite plenty of super food restock, be sure to check it out.

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