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大吃大喝的中秋節過了,月應該啃了不少,大魚大肉也沒少吃。有無朋友像小編一樣,節日過了有一小咪咪罪惡感,現在正努力清算卡路里呢?想(享) 瘦其實不難唷!除了增加運動量外,也要多攝取高纖維以及低碳的食物。切記白飯,白麵包,白糖現已屬精製加工,因而遺失了原有的礦物質與膳食纖維,同時對血糖控制不利。所以,將白飯替代為五谷杂粮吧!


Mid autumn festival is one of the significant day that enable us to gathering with loved ones, but fun facts is may gaining quite a few pounds(me). Were you looking for effective tips to lose weight by any chance? Other than moderate amount of workout, do consume foods which are high in nutrients and fiber. Be sure to cut back on refined carbs such as white rice, flour, sugar. For substitute, you may replacing them with whole grains.

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